18 Jan

Lunch and Learn: The Mini BAR: Professional Development

Lunch and Learn: The Mini BAR: Professional Development

Thursday, January 18, 2018 (12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)

Capitol Plaza

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Presented by Missouri YPN and the Professional Development Output Group. Experience Professional Development in a miniature REbar Camp setting. What that means- get a preview of the YPN REBar camp where you will attend a lunch that is not structured like a typical planned event.  Every session is not planned out in advance. Nobody is paid to deliver a session. Anybody can deliver a session and attendees are strongly encouraged to participate.  How do I maximize my RE BarCamp experience?
1. Pick sessions of interest to you.
2. Participate, ask questions.
3. If you hear someone speak about something interesting, find them later and connect in the hallway.
4. Spontaneous sessions happen, embrace them!